Do marks affect success of life?

Recently we all went for a get-together, when someone asked that why one of the kids had not turned up and to that the kid's mother replied that he has Boards this year. Hearing this answer, all were satisfied and did not ask any further question. The word exams specially Boards has always been associated with something very difficult and life changing. Something that would determine your future. Performing in which well will be the first step towards success. Getting good marks will be a sure shot guarantee of entering into a renowned college. Fairing well in these exams will be a matter of prestige for the entire family and the school. There are so many things associated with this term exams that it has become a meter to determine the capability of a kid. If he/she will be able to do something in life is highly associated with the exams by our society. But how much of that is actually true? Lets try to introspect. It is highly true that prestigious colleges have kept cut offs an...