Beauty Lies In The Eyes of the Beholder

 It was sometime back, when we were having a conversation within a group of friends. We were unable to remember a name of one of them who was not there. Suddenly someone said -"That girl with dark complexion and long hair, as soon as she said so, everyone pronounced the name. That day it clicked me that the girl was a topper, Math's expert and a very good dancer, but all they remember is that she was dark and had long hair! 

It is an undeniable fact that physical attributes play a major role in making the identity of someone. Not just that there are certain set parameters in the minds of people too. For example in India someone with fair skin is considered beautiful (the benchmark may vary for some but unfortunately majority of them think so).Why just India, in fairy tales, the queens and fairies have always been described in the similar fashion! Rhymes like-Curly Hair, Very Fair, Eyes are blue, describing someone as good looking or Cute. In our books, Heroes and Heroines have certain body dynamics -Slim figure, fair, thick hair while the demon or Villains are supposed to look ugly-Dark and Fat. Not just books, in cartoons and fairy tales, since childhood, these things have been imbibed in such a way that they automatically make a certain mindset-Fair, thin, sharp features, tall- Beautiful whereas dark, fat, short and normal features -Average  or sometimes Ugly.

During matrimonial alliances, the details of a person start with his/her positive physical features and then move to his achievements. In certain professions too, pleasing personality, clear skin, height weight etc. play a major role during selection process and later comes the academics and qualification. Someone who looks great on social media and is low in content creation, starts getting millions of views, likes and subscribers! 

It is not that these standards of beauty have not been changed! In beauty pageants we see dark complexioned and more capable women winning over the fair ones. The names of some of the famous brands have been changed which earlier had the word "Fair" in the title. In one of the advertisement we see a fat women dancing, running, doing exercise and stating that "it is just in the mind". In some of the shows, a girl who is excessively fat or dark and not having the so called "beautiful" features have been shown as protagonist, leading her life successfully by becoming beautiful later targeting the mentality of the society. Further  shows with a dark complexioned or fat woman  becoming the lead actress without changing herself throughout the show and still becoming everyone's favorite by her virtues and qualities fetched high TRPs.

It is to be noted that these beauty related so called parameters also keep changing. It is rightly said that "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". Beauty is a subjective topic on its own. If someone finds something beautiful other may not find it to be so. Same goes for the society, which changes these standards as per the mindsets of people and what is trending. Sometime back, thin lips were considered as good. Now people go for lip jobs in order to make the lips look thick as thick lips are supposed to be  considered as glamourous. Earlier voluptuous figure was considered as more Indian, now there is a craze for zero figure. People are exercising and starving themselves to get into such a lean and thin body. These dieting techniques are opening the gates for many diseases in future. 

It is not that joining a gym or going to a parlor or even going for Botox treatment or plastic surgery is incorrect in any way. If doing that makes you feel confident, healthy and happy, you  must go for it👍. But doing that just to make yourself accepted by someone or trying to fit into the standards set by this society is not correct. Whatever one does should be his own choice and not a forced one (which is thrust upon by the society). The ultimate objective is in the race to become the most desirable and fall into the category of these societal standards what you must not forget is to love the most important person that is" Yourself". 


Anonymous said… beautifully you have encompassed everything related to beauty ...really thought provoking
Anonymous said…
Thank you 🙏
Anonymous said…
Really good 👍👍

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