Air Pollution- A Childhood Essay Topic? Not Anymore!
It was a Thursday evening when I was staring outside from the window of my sister's house . Sun was no more in the sky and the night was slowly wrapping the evening with its darkness, making it colder. I opened the window for a moment, just to feel the gush of cold wave on my face as November had started. Choking and coughing was all the experience that I got, with a strange irritation in the throat when I banged the window panes to close the door and found it better to comfort myself within the coziness of the room.
.jpeg) was no winter approaching sweetness. It was not the clean cold breeze touching the cheeks, there were no pure dew drops waiting to touch the feet, it was not the cotton candy like fog that would take you to the holiday mood of Christmas bells ringing. It was a smoky, dirty, killing air filled with fog that would give you a unbearable feeling, making you unable to breath or open your eyes, in short smog! By now my readers must have guessed that which city am I talking about? Yes! you are right.👍 The national capital of India- Delhi.
But the problem is that this is not restricted to Delhi, it is broadening the wings and eating up the other nearby places- Haryana, UP and basically Delhi NCR. Every year, post the celebration of Diwali, this is the common scenario. People who do not live in these cities find it difficult to breath this poisonous air even for a single day and end up falling sick.😓 People who have been living here for a long time are so accustomed to this, that their bodies have stopped giving indications or alarms anymore and thus leading to sudden deaths.
Now the question is-" who is to be blamed" ? Someone would easily say- Government, of course.. Really? While the government is trying to take measures by telling us not to buy or sell crackers or not to use personal vehicles and use public transport, advising us to stay at home, specially to kids and old people, work from home, study from home etc. and news channels alarming everyone that even lockdown like situation might prevail in future, what are we doing to prevent this?
Let us be honest.. when we used to study about pollution and its hazards in our childhood, we never took it that seriously, what we did was to learn the points to get full marks in essays as it was one of the most common topics.. did we ever bother to think that in future we will actually get to witness it? Could we ever imagine that these affects of pollution studied in our childhood would actually get converted into a monster, taking away lives and influencing our lives to this much extent? The problem is we always knew very well about the term "Pollution" and how to curb it by taking necessary steps, but none of us ever bothers to take it any actual issue seriously till we are hit by it! We never imagined that it can lead to such serious environmental hazards which will in the long run affect everyone's personal life to such an extent..
Actually to be frank, no government, no third party is to be blamed!! No Superhero would come to solve our problems ! As it is commonly said-"Charity begins at home" , let us all take this situation seriously and practice the measures to curb the issue of "pollution" before it is too late. If we and our future generations want to experience the beauty of environment, to step out of our house without masks, and above all embrace the beauty of mother nature, we need to start today because honestly speaking -It is now or never.